Who we are here at The REFUGE:

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Summer outdoor worship


In the Bible we read that when God wanted to protect the accused innocent he established cities of Refuge throughout the land where they could flee and be given fair judgement.  He followed this up by frequently calling himself The Refuge, the one to whom those who needed refuge could go to find it.  “God is our Refuge and Strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  At The Refuge we find this to be a compelling attribute of our loving Father and want desperately to become a community characterized as being a refuge.  

We are a community of people who need refuge and want to join God on his mission of rescuing and restoring the entire world and all nations unto himself.  He does this by providing refuge, and this is our calling to join him on this mission.  To be sure, we have just taken a few tiny steps in that direction; we are indeed a work in progress.  However, you do not have to be big to care.  So we do our best at creating refuge for people living with disabilities by means of friendship, Gospel teaching and just having a good time.  We are also working with the Lord in creating refuge for refugees from Africa by providing for basic needs and giving them a church home at Strong Tower Ministries.  Our own building and grounds, which for years sat empty are now filled with ministries such as schools, churches, support groups and others.  And since humanity’s calling to care for creation from the very beginning of time has not changed, we are working at providing refuge for God’s magnificent creation in this place we call home.  Our new ministry, Outdoor Discipleship, is our way of teaching kids of all ages about the Gospel in the context of God’s creation.  

So simply put, we want to be a refuge with Christ at the center, where he beckons us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Need Refuge?  We can help you find it.